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Bish Bash Bosh

helen • September 15, 2020

#goodmarketing from Lifebuoy

Our use of soap and hand sanitiser has increased to epic proportions since the Coronavirus Pandemic started. 

Causing initially bulk panic buys and additional stock ordered, now the once coveted spot for confectionery by supermarket tills is filled with handy sizes of antibacterial gel and packets of face masks.

There has been a mix of brands in these categories from well known household names, to retailer own-labels and an influx of new entrants to the marketplace.

I had not noticed Lifebuoy on the shelves, but their Bish Bash Bosh TV advert caught my attention. Clearly created and recorded with lock-down restrictions in place it is a fun fast moving animated 30 seconds with a catchy song and I love it! It covers most occasions when people may want (or need) hand sanitiser gel and would appeal to the all ages from children (with the nose picking) and to older generations for the brand quality.

Lifebuoy isn’t a brand I have seen much over the last few years, my memory of it was from when I was young and my grandparents (yes I mean the original Doris!) would stock it in their Hardware store and use the tablets of soap at home. Since seeing this advert I looked up the brand and discovered it has been around since 1895 and is still produced around the world today by Unilever.  Their branding has changed somewhat over the years - their vintage advertising boards are a delight to me as is their logo. Clearly recognisable but has been brought up to date.

You can guess what will be on my shopping list next time I need hand gel, and if you have a product or service that needs a bit of Marketing Bish Bash Bosh then give Helen at Marketing Doris a call.

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