Monthly Marketing Coaching
Marketing Doris holds your hand (virtually) to guide you with your marketing activities while you develop your business at your pace, budget, and timescales.
Who is it for?
- For solopreneurs or directors of small businesses (who employ up to 5 people) who are the driving force in their business who require regular advice and guidance for their marketing activities.
- Typically used by service-based businesses but not exclusively
- B2B and B2C
How does it work?
- One hour Zoom session per month
- Discuss current challenges and issues with your marketing and business development activities
- Review recent marketing activities, discuss outcomes and what adjustments should or could be taken
- Agree activity and focus for the following month
- Focus or training on a particular marketing activity
- Help with the development of your marketing objectives, marketing strategy and plan that are in line with your business goals.
What are the benefits?
- Help you achieve your business goals
- Build up your marketing activity to suit your business needs
- Help you identify your target market(s) and how to market to them
- You will save money by not undertaking expensive marketing campaigns and activities that would not deliver the results for your business.
See our Quick Guides to Social Media Channels: