The business owner(s) scratched their heads and wondered why this was the case. Occasionally they would open their doors and shout out to passers by about how brilliant they were and sometimes this worked, but when they stopped shouting, the passers-by passed by.
What can we do to keep telling people about us they cried, and as if by magic** Marketing Doris appeared, she asked them some questions and then asked them some more, she scribbled in her notebook, drank black coffee and they talked some more until the lightbulb lit up and the ideas were presented to the business; here’s what we can do to help customers to buy from you.
Hurrah they yelled as the ideas turned into plans and then into reality. The business focussed on their work, and the passers-by weren’t passers-by anymore and that’s because they had already heard how good the business and had made a special trip to buy from them. The End
Ok the Marketing Magic may not always be so quick and or easy, but the little tale above does tell the story loosely of how Marketing Doris works.
You have probably done something similar when you have been asked about your business works, about your background, how you started working in your chosen industry, when you came up with the idea of your product (or service) or why you do what you do.***
When do you tell your tale? Do you include that in your presentations, or in meetings with a potential customer, is it on your website?
The answer is that is can be used in all those cases and it’s an easy, fun and quirky way to get the message across, and if you do talk about your background on the website then telling your story, your way, showing your personality is a good alternative to the traditional ‘Formed in [insert year]’.
*delete as appropriate
**I am a fan of Mr Benn!