Your Commercial Photographer - Commercial and Brand Photography
Your Commercial Photographer - Commercial & Brand Photography
Andrew Collier of Your Commercial Photographer is a Commercial and Brand Photographer based in Warrington,
"I’ve worked with Helen Stott for over ten years now. As a commercial and brand photographer, a clear and detailed brief is crucial to the success of a project. Our job is to translate our client’s vision into powerful, attention grabbing images. Working with Helen on a shoot is great. She has knows exactly what her clients need from their images but is totally comfortable to allow me as a photographer the freedom to create them. Working together means that we can approve or tweak shots as we do them. It also means that we can create shots that might not have been originally planned but come out of working together on a shoot or change an idea as we see it develop.
Working together like this improves the creative output and delivers far more value for the client, and this was very much in evidence in a recent project for Topspeed Couriers."