We are used to multi-tasking most of the time. I often find myself with multiple windows open on my laptop with half started (not quite finished) pieces of work or trying to watch the TV whilst reading something online, and even when I’m attempting to do the relaxation routine in a Yoga class, I’m making a shopping list in my head or working out tomorrow’s schedule.
Occasionally I find myself working from home, and there are times when it’s incredibly productive to be in your own space and have control over the temperature and noise! However, there are as many times when there are so many distractions; the kettle, the fridge and even the washing machine.
I’m always on the lookout for tips from others who find themselves in the same boat and I have found some great techniques that work for me:
- Have a realistic goal.
Too often I put myself under pressure to complete an unrealistic list of tasks, I have found by writing down what needs to be done and prioritising them, then I am much more productive. There are so many different To Do lists and Day action planners available to download online, or like me you could create your own version that’s tailored to what works for you.
- Creating a dedicated space to work in at home, mine happens to be under the stairs! Unlike Harry Potter, I have a desk, room to sit comfortably (it might help that I am on the small side) and I’ve surrounded myself with all the tools I need and ‘nice stuff’ to look at! It also means that I’m away from the usual distractions and at the end of the working time, I can leave it there and walk away.
- Finding the right background noise.
Silence doesn’t always work for me and I’ve tried the radio and podcast downloads and occasionally they work just fine, but then a song will come on that I like or hearing the news bulletin on the hour will have the effect of rushing to Twitter or the news channel to find out more, or I’ll be in a mild flap about the clock ticking towards a deadline… and then I heard about Slow TV on Netflix. What a revelation and what a simple idea (aren’t they always the best). The Bergen to Oslo film is purely the footage from the front of a train that takes that 7-hour journey taking you through stations, cities, coastal views and through snow and sunshine. I can’t tell you too much about it as I wasn’t really watching it. It was just playing on a screen to the side of me on the desk the other day and the train noises had the effect of being relaxing and focusing. I didn’t quite finish the full journey that day but will be one I’ll be taking again soon. Other versions are available; knitting, fireplace and a boat trip.
How does this all relate to Marketing?
Well it is so easy for businesses to get distracted from their Marketing Strategy. This is especially the case when there is no dedicated marketing function within an organisation and any ongoing promotional or communications are handled by someone who has other responsibilities, and possibly without any formal marketing experience or training.
That’s where Marketing Doris can help, we work with businesses to help them find the right track to follow by developing a Marketing Strategy that will help them work towards their business goals and objectives. We will also work with businesses to ensure that they stay on this right track and don’t get distracted, whether that be from the day-to-day business activity or by Special Offer Marketing Offers.